Kenyans are at it again. This time
round they are on twitter sharing quotes attributed to their “Favorite” punch
bag president Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe with the hashtag #PopularMugabesQuotes.
All manner of sayings and
quotes have been attributed to Bob in the past raging from those with a sexual
annotation to leadership and those laboring on racism in relation to his ever
thawing relationship with the whites.
There is no doubt that Mugabe
is a wisecrack and sometimes listening to him is more rib cracking than
watching a comedy show on TV.
What is more true however is
the fact that more than ¾ of the quotes attributed to him are not his but
Kenyans have learnt that attributing them to him gives them more weight. And again,
at his advanced age, he’s allowed to “say” some things the younger leaders
cannot. Just like the way we let Kibaki get away with all manner of unpalatable
words like “Pumbafu” and “Mavi ya kuku”and just smiled.
Here are some of the
quotes that have been shared on twitter attributed to President Mugabe………
These homosexuals are worse
than dogs & pigs.
As long as you are not
using your dick to think fuck any good juicy opportunity that comes on your way
Only God who appointed me
will remove me
If they only text you when
its raining My sister you are an umbrella and a duvet
is more common in Kenya than COMMON SENSE.
Ø Exposing your cleavage won't fix yo ugly face bitch!
Ø Their is no need of you using a condom if you are uncircumcised
just tie a knot at the end of your foreskin
Ø When a crocodile throws you towards the land instead of the deep
waters, do you go back fishing?
Ø Whenever things seem to start going well in your life, the Devil
comes along and gives you a *girlfriend
Ø A cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled in a paper with a fire
on one side and A FOOL on the other side
Ø God is the best inventor ever. He took a rib from a man and
created a loudspeaker...
The only
white man you can trust is one that is lying on the grave
Ø It's better for a man to be stingy with money he worked for than a lady
to deny you a hole she did not even drill
Ø Swimming pool is much more useful than the Liverpool football club
Ø Check your girlfriend's body, if she has more tattoos or piercings, you
can cheat on her. She is already used to pain.
Ø If you are ugly; you are ugly - stop talking about inner beauty because
we don't walk around with X-rays
Ø God is the best inventor ever. He took a rib from a man and created a
Ø Ladies are powerful, they can introduce 2 boyfriends at the same time.
They will say My Love meet My Sweet heart.
Some women's
legs are like rumors, they just keep on spreading
I did not
say all this shit!
Dating a
slender guy is cool. The problem is when u are lying on his chest then his ribs
draw adidas lines on your face
Cigarette Is
a pinch of tobacco rolled in a piece of paper with fire on one end and a fool
on the other end....
The size of
a woman's ass is indirectly proportional to the size of her brain
Ø We can only see the cock's anus when the wind blows.
Ø Dear sister, don't be deceived by a man who text you "I miss
you" only when it's raining. You are not an umbrella
To get more of these hilarious
quotes, follow the hashtag #PopularMugabesQuotes
on Twitter
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